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Hel­lo, this is c-lune, an ap­pli­ca­tion main­ly ad­dres­sed to men of let­ters, with many in­te­re­sting fea­tu­res and with one spe­ci­fic aim: to ex­chan­ge re­le­vant li­te­ra­tu­re in an ele­gant and ap­pro­pria­te way. read more Apart the be­ta­pe­riod pas­sword, whi­ch is not real­ly se­cret and whi­ch you can find in your real life's net­work, can re­gi­ster to c-lune only peo­ple who have been in­vi­ted, in two dif­fe­rent ways: or be­cau­se they have been con­cre­te­ly in­vol­ved, or be­cau­se their qua­li­ties. Plea­se wait a lit­tle un­til the ‘beta pe­riod’ isn't past, to rou­ghly see what c-lune of­fers, and how to join.less

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